The Entrecarder

Blogger Contests and Communities  

I do. I really do. I DO have a strategy about my blogging efforts and Entrecard in specific. Yesterday I started up my I've Entered The Contest! blog and established my 6th(?) Entrecard account. I started the contest blog because I didn't want to clutter up this blog, which is sort of an account of my internet marketing activities. Shilling for contests, especially those which want you to write a blog post to participate, doesn't fit with what I want to do with this blog.

I started by entering the vs contest and then I entered one of Emma Nelson's contests at I could have just stopped right there, but I realized my contest entries could also serve as a compilation of contests that other bloggers / Entrecarders might want to join. So, it's turning into a bit more work than I anticipated, but it should have some value to the community, in addition to possibly winning me some prizes.

Using similar logic, I had already started Tips for Newer $ Bloggers, a blog that lists some of the more common affiliate ads & referral programs. And I'm just getting started on Top Blog Communities, a blog that covers MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog, OthersOnline, Bumpzee, and, of course, Entrecard, among others. Again, this blog is geared toward those bloggers who are just starting up with the monetizing process. The next in the series will be Reviews for Money & Other Remuneration, a blog where I can explore the pay-per-review process. I have a couple more ideas for blogs about blogging niches that I might foray into under the BizBeacon umbrella, and another blog where I write about product ideas I have come up with over the years, like Bankshots, Ancestors Mobile, Beach in a Box, and more.

And that's not all!!! If you order now... Actually, I have another bunch of blogs that I am working on that fall into the Intunique or Provorem categories, but most of those won't be making an appearance for another couple of weeks.

What next?

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2 comments: to “ Blogger Contests and Communities

  • Anonymous
    January 15, 2008 at 11:03 PM  

    Thanks for the link. I feel like I made a new friend.

  • Anonymous
    January 16, 2008 at 3:55 AM  

    This is not only an amazing post, but a bit inspirational too. I have 2 blogs one is active, and 1 is pending, 2 lens and that's just about all that I can handle at the moment. I only wish that one day, I could have as many blogs up and running with more in the can just waiting to be shown as you have. Congratulations...80)
    SF Scott