The Entrecarder

Delete, Delete, Delete...Cleaning Up The Entrecard Bookmarks  

It's only normal that some people will get their Entrecard set up and lose interest after a day, a week, or a month. It goes to what their expectations were and how closely reality came to meeting them. So, as I was dropping cards last night from Turnip's list, I swept about 30 stale Entrecards into the trash. I'm sure that they were fresh and hopeful when they first made it to Turnip's bookmark list, but I figure that if they don't have a January 2008 post yet, they ain't taking their blog too seriously. And that means that they aren't likely dropping any cards. And so why do I want to drop a card on them? I don't.

I also discarded (great word, under the circumstances) another 5-10 sites whose content was static or dateless. Again, they aren't likely doing much card dropping. And of course, anyone whose Entrecard is below the fold is headed to the trash, too. Fortunately, there are so many Entrecard members now that it's not too hard to find plenty of folks to visit who just might drop a card back on your blog. New members are great because they are still fired up about Entrecard and are happy to get cards dropped on their sites.

I guess it's going to be a constant cycle of out with the old and in with the new. One real positive I experienced was that as I was scanning posts for a date (as in calendar), I managed to read more content than I have been in my recent dropping sprees. And that was a good thing!

What next?

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2 comments: to “ Delete, Delete, Delete...Cleaning Up The Entrecard Bookmarks

  • Anonymous
    January 13, 2008 at 12:39 AM  

    Glad you found the bookmarks useful. I too clean my bookmarks daily, adding fresh ones from the "most recent" category. The latest version from 1/10/08 can now be downloaded in zip format from this page:

  • Unknown
    January 14, 2008 at 2:54 AM  

    It makes me wonder when there will be a copycat site set up that operates like EntreCard. Its only a matter of time.